Important Customer Information
- Information about our company
- Obligatory information §11 of the VersVermV
- Selection criteria for the placing of insurance contracts
- Insurance broking
- Working together
- Broker appointment, broker mandate and data protection
- Quality control
- The obligation to cooperate
Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Our service is valued greatly by our customers of long standing: medium-sized companies, the self-employed, commercial and private. A high level of competence, mutual trust, adherence to schedules and reliability form the foundation of our work. New clients come to us regularly on the recommendation of our satisfied clientele.
Obligatory Information under §11 of the Ordinance on the Placement of Insurance
- We have been registered since 10.09.2007 with the responsible authority and are entered in the Brokerage Register as an authorised insurance broker licensed pursuant to Section 34 d (1) of the Gewerbeordnung (Trade, Commerce & Industry Regulation Act) under registration number D-44LH-GJCAQ-36.
- The responsible authority is the Industrie- und Handelskammer Bodensee-Oberschwaben (Lake Constance-Upper Swabia Chamber of Commerce), 88250 Weingarten, Germany. The entry in the Brokerage Register can be verified with the following:
Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin, Germany Tel +49 (0) 30 203080, - If made in Germany, calls from a landline cost 20 cents/minute, calls from a mobile a maximum of 60 cents/minute. For the cost of international calls to Germany please check with your telecom provider.
- There is no existing partial ownership by an insurance company or the parent of an insurance company in our company. Nor does our company hold any direct or indirect investment of more than 10% in any insurance company.
- The following arbitration boards can be contacted to resolve disputes out of court:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V. (Insurance Ombudsman), Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin, Germany or the Ombudsmann Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung (Ombudsman for Private Health and Long-term Care Insurance), Postfach 06 02 22, 10052 Berlin, Germany
Selection Criteria for the Placing of Insurance Contracts
Over 100 insurance companies alone in Germany over tens of thousands of products and rates for risk protection. Taking the whole of the European market into consideration, this increases to hundreds of thousands of products and rates. In addition to these, insurance companies offer individual insurance brokers exclusive terms.
Our company works – as long as nothing else has been agreed or advised in an individual case – with over 80 insurance companies on the basis of the following selection criteria:
- the insurance company is licensed in Germany and comes under the financial supervision of the Department of Banking and Financial Supervision (BaFin)
- when required to do so by the insurance broker, the insurance company makes available the agreed information, working materials, business processes and contact persons
- the insurance company pays the usual commission for the placement of insurance contracts
Independent Insurance Broking
In Germany great vlue is set on the closing of insurance contracts through an insurance broker. A difference is drawn here between agents, who represent one or more insurance companies, and insurance brokers, who act on behalf of the insured person or company, representing their interests.
We work solely as insurance brokers. We have no financial interest in any insurance company, nor does any insurance company hold any financial interest in our company.
Working Together
The principal task of the insurance broker is procuring the insurance protection that the client wants, and consultation associated with this.
We take into consideration – as long as nothing else has been agreed on an individual basis – an ample number of insurance companies to allow us to recommend a suitable product.
In order to give you the greatest amount of flexibility, we recommend annual contracts with an extension clause. This allows you to react relatively quickly to changes in the market, the risk coverage and risk assessment.
We use the services of VEMA e.G., a cooperative pool of 400 insurance brokers spread across Germany. The members of VEMA e.G. and its range of services are noted for their high quality.
If you would like a consultation on all business and private risks you can rely on our many years of experience, particularly in the processing of claims. In this we would be happy to take existing contracts into consideration.
Where you wish us to do so, once the contract has been signed we will continue to look after your interests in the handling of damage events and contract changes, and investigate alternatives to existing contracts.
Broker Appointment, Data Protection and Broker Mandate
Because an insurance broker does not work for an insurance company, legitimacy when dealing with insurance companies is routinely granted through the broker mandate. Within this it is regulated that the insurance broker has the authority to commission the agreed insurance protection for his/her customer and to conduct the necessary correspondence for this.
Many insurance companies only provide quotations – particularly where there is an elevated or occupational risk – if the insurance broker provides the name and address of the inquirer, as well as all the information relevant to the risk (in particular previous claims and pre-existing conditions, dates of birth, amounts insured, turnover, etc.) Information on this subject is given on our Data Protection page.
The scope of our services is covered on the broker contract page.
For us, reciprocal trust forms the basis of working together. Therefore the broker mandate and broker contract can be cancelled by both parties without complying to a particular period of notice.
Download –> Maklervertrag und -vollmacht, Datenschutzerklärung (PDF)
Quality Control
If you should ever be dissatisfied with our service or have a suggestion for improvement, please give us the specifics. We would appreciate any information from you that leads to an improvement in the quality of our service.
Liabilities and the requirement for cooperation
So that we can correctly broker the insurance protection that you want and the insurance company can provide the contracted benefit in a benefit case, we are reliant on your cooperation. For this the following are of particular importance:
- the correct information on relevant risk-related circumstances when completing the insurance contract (in particular previous claims and pre-existing medical conditions, the correct sums insured and the disclosure of any risk-aggravating factors.
- disclosure of any changes in risk or changed needs after the contract has been signed (e.g. changes in the insured risk and/or the sum insured) so that we can adjust the existing insurance contracts accordingly.
- To notify us of any damage events, to follow instructions and to contribute in a reasonable degree to minimizing losses.
We are very happy to be able to work on your behalf.
- Corporate Clients: +49 7520 20800-30
- Sport Clients: +49 7520 20800-60
- Private Clients: +49 7520 20800-10
© SüdwestRing Versicherungsmakler GmbH 2023