To report a claim, please find below the forms to download:

Notification according to § 28 Abs. 4 German insurance law (Versicherungsvertragsgesetz- VVG) concerning conditions subsequent to the policy.
Dear Customer,
The legal provisions of the law of insurance contracts oblige us to inform you about your obligations in the event of a claim. Information and scouting obligations, submission of supporting documents If possible you must avert and mitigate the damage. The instructions of the insurer are to follow, as far as reasonable for you. We require your assistance in processing a reported claim. You are therefore obliged to give the insurer detailed and truthful damage report in due time, as well as to assist them with the determination and settlement of the claim. All circumstances that are in their interest to handle the claim, must be communicated to them. This also includes to provide them all requested documents and supporting documents in due time. This especially applies in the event of burglary, robbery and theft, when you must write a list of the stolen items in accordance with section 25 and to provide it immediately to the insurance company, as well as to the responsible police department. Release from obligation to perform Please note the legal regulations on the legal consequences in case of violation of registration, information and scouting duties. In case of intentional violation of obligations, especially if you wilful give no or false information or if you do not provide the required documents or records, coverage will be denied. In the event of a gross negligent breach of these obligations, the insurance company shall be entitled to reduce their claims payment in proportion to the extent of your fault. The claims payment can be reduced until full loss. The insurer remains obligated to pay benefits even in the event of a breach of the obligations if you prove that the intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligation was not the cause of either the determination of the insured event or the determination or scope of the insurer’s obligation to pay benefits. Please note that the insurer is in any case exempt from performance if you have fraudulently breached the obligations.

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Versicherungsmakler GmbH
Birkenstraße 8/1
88285 Bodnegg/Rotheidlen