Insurance for water sports and outdoor centers, instructors and tour operators
Centers and instructors have special insurance requirements. Generally speaking the normal standard products from the insurance industry don’t provide adequate coverage. Which is why SüdwestRing has developed a special insurance concept, working in close cooperation with the relevant associations.

We offer the following risk insurances for water sports centers:


A general liability insurance for schools and rentals:

A Center can take out public liability insurance to meet its needs from our building-block system, for all areas of activity carried out at a watersports center: instruction in use + hire of sailing/motorboats, catamarans, windsurfing und kitesurfing.

Individual modules available from us:
Third-party insurance for self-employed staff (so instructors who are not employees do not have to take out their own professional liability insurance)
Personal liability of students
Liability insurance for boats
Liability insurance for events, excursions
General protection throughout Europe and global protection for sailing trips. Schools outside Europe are insured at their respective school sites (named in the policy)
All schools can be insured except those in the USA und Canada.
Additional risks that can also be covered by insurance: towing on the water (waterskiing, banana boat, tube), bike hire, parasailing … (just get in touch and ask us)



Your fleet of boats are washed up on shore by a storm and destroyed, your boathouse is broken into and tools, outboard engines and most of your school equipment is stolen, or a short-circuit results in your entire inventory going up in smoke. Who’s going to pay for the replacement?

    With our new general policy you no longer need to have a variety of property insurance policies. You can now insure against existence risks. Damage, office and inventory insurance are covered by the insurance.

    Items, Risk and Sum insured

    School and hire vessels, windsurfing and kitesurfing apparatus, rescue boats, sails/rigs, wet- and drysuits, training material, tools, office and store fixtures and fittings etc.

    Fire, lightning, explosion, mains water, force majeure, unforeseeable emergencies, storm and hail, transport accident, collision with watercraft, Burglary, Theft of boats and equipment ashore and on the water

    The sum insured for sailing boats and motor boats is the current replacement value and is an incontestable value. For all other school equipment, fixtures and fittings, the current replacement value applies for the first 5 years and thereafter the written down replacement value applies and is an incontestable value.


    Building with solid walls and a solid roof, steel container, steel cage with solid steel bars/rods. The contents of the cage must be protected from view by side panels. Removal of the insured contents of the cage by pulling them out above ground level or by digging through under the cage must be impeded. Boats in the open and on the water

    No claims bonus, exess

    With a no claims bonus of up to 60% (after 5 years) and varying levels of excess, of €500, €1,000, €2,500 and €5,000, you can considerably reduce the premium payable, limiting your insurance protection to major risks that threaten the continued existence of your business.


    You never know when you might have to go to hospital or need dental treatment. Operations are usually expensive and overstretch the finances. That’s why we have suitable alternatives for you.

    Premium VDWS member:
    excluding USA/Canada 146,00 € Annual excess 0,00 €

    Premium family members (e.g. children, husband or wife):
    excluding USA/Canada 392,00 € Annual excess 0,00 €


    Overseas health insurance + protection during short-term stays at home. For people who don’t have any parallel coverage at home in Germany. For VDWS members there are a number of choices available. See below for a sample extract from the services available.

    Description of coverage

    100% outpatient treatment
    100% medicine, treatment and surgical dressings
    100% unlimited dental treatment (simple execution, no inlays, Onlys)
    80% dental prosthesis up to a total of €2,000 within 2 years (€3,000 within 3 years, from year 4 €4,000) – qualifying period 8 months
    100 % inpatient treatment as private patient in two-bed room (pregnancy – qualifying period 8 months)
    Transport to the nearest hospital
    Medically necessitated repatriation from abroad to Germany and transport in the case of death (max. €5,000 within Europe, €10,000 from the rest of the world)

    General Terms and Conditions

    The contract can be can be cancelled at 14 days notice before the end of a month. Insurance available to both German and non-German applicants
    The contract cannot be extended beyond the insurant`s 65th birthday.
    No medical required (however pre-existing medical conditions at the time of taking out the insurance are excluded)

    Please refer to the application form for the complete terms and conditions.

    Insurance protection for temporary return to Germany of up to 6 months a year

    Visits to USA/Canada for up to 1 month without taking up residence are also insured

    SuedwestRing Logo
    Versicherungsmakler GmbH
    Birkenstraße 8/1
    88285 Bodnegg/Rotheidlen